Friday, September 19, 2008

attempt number one.

I know I will be the only person to ever read this, aside from the few who will accidentily stumble across it when looking for alphabet soup recipes, but if you happen to be somebody else, right on. Read away.

My mother has been completely infatuated with Marilyn Monroe for as long as I can remember. There were always famous images of her framed around all our various apartments. And I think it's because of this that I've always felt a connection with Miss Norma Jean; something about her just reminds me of my mother. The image above, Marilyn on the balcony with the cigarette in her hand, was by far my mother's favourite, which is why I chose it (not to mention it's conveniently panoramic).

So I may, or may not, end up using this blog to post daily outfit posts. I think in order to do so I will first need some kind of camera. I hear they help when trying to take pictures. In the meantime I will keep this blog for my personal rants and raves. But seeing as I really have nothing to rant about right now (I'm sure I could think of something, but that will just get my blood boiling) I guess I will just call it quits.

That was my first blogging attempt. I hope it changed your life.